SRI would like to extend our thanks to a great number of people who provided us with information included in this book. In addition to the many people we explicitly note in the next paragraphs, we would like to acknowledge our debt to those who wrote information provided online for public file transfer. SRI gained a lot of information from such files and, a1though we cite the files in the text where appropriate, often the writers of such information remain anonymous, their efforts becoming part of the tradition of that Intemet cooperation and information sharing. We salute both these people and that Intemet tradition.

In addition, however, there are numerous people to thank specifically, people who responded to our queries, who pointed us to information, who wrote text we included in the book, and who read our drafts and provided valuable feedback.

We would especially like to thank our readers: Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher of ConneXions--The Interoperability Report, and John C. Klensin, PhD., Principal Research Scientist, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To them goes the credit of immensely improving the quality of this document. Of course, any weaknesses remaining rest solely in the shoulders of the authors.

Tremendous thanks are also offered to our many information contributors, those who kindly took the time to enlighten us.

Farhad Anklesaria (Gopher)
Susie Arnold (CERFnet)
Alessandro Berni (Italy)
Antonio Blasco Bonito (Italy)
Laura Breeden (FARNET)
Corinne Carroll (NNSC)
Vint Cerf (lnternet Society)
Robert Collet (Sprint)
Yannis Corovesis (ARIADNE)
Steven Coya (IETF Exec Dir)
John Curran (NEARnet)
John Demco (CA*net)
Peter Deutsch (McGil/archie )
Susan Eldred (ANS)
Alan Emtage (McGill/archie)
Jill Foster (RARE WG3)
Andrea Galleni (USENIX)
Ing. Hugo E. Garcia Torres (Mexico )
Geoff Goodfellow (Anterior Technology)
Nadine Grange (EARN)
Jack Hahn (SURAnet)
Geoff Huston (Australia)
Borka Jerman-Blazic (YUNAC)
Daniel Karrenburg (RIPE NCC)
Thomas Lenggenhager (SWITCH)
Gary Malkin (Xylogics)
Jun Murai (Japan)
Sam Neely (CompuServe)
Torben Nielsen (PACCOM)
Hank Nussbacher (Israel)
Richard Nuttall (PIPEX)
Allison Pihl (JvNCnet)
John Quarterman (Matrix)
Joyce Reynolds (ISI)
Charlie Rosenberg (PeaceNet/IGC)
Pavel Rosendorf (Czechoslovakia)
Diana Scotti (ANS)
Vic Shaw (South Africa)
Eugene Siciunas (CA *net)
Art St George (University of New Mexico)
Bernhard Stockman (NORDUnet)
Marianne Swanson (NIST)
Jerry Sweet (Anterior Technology)
Ruediger Volk (DIGI)

And from SRI:
Jose J. Garcia-Luna
Franklin Kuo
Ruth Lang
Mark Lottor
Chan Wilson


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